
Immersive programs created with the lived experience for attitude and behavior change.

Queensland Government

Online training for the Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre (QTMHC) for mental health practitioners to provide clients with culturally informed and responsive mental health assessment and support. Commencing with over 200 participants, the course is an open resource assisting practitioners with the knowledge and skills needed for regular challenges. The key learning outcomes are conveyed through a fictional scenarios and interactive learning activities including a 360 video of a client assessment.

 RMIT University (Europe)

Working with RMIT Europe, the European Institute of Technology (EIT) Urban Mobility, and New European Bauhaus, Reality Learning delivered a suite of online courses to support urban development professionals to build sustainable and more liveable cities.

Within this, three short courses and one multimedia-rich MOOC offer over 20 hours of expert learning from RMIT’s Centre for Urban ResearchHealthy Liveable Cities Lab and the Australian Urban Observatory. They feature RMIT academics including Professor Ralph HorneAssociate Dean Andrew Butt and Associate Prof Melanie Davern.

Executive Director RMIT Europe, Dr Marta Fernandez, said the courses provide critical knowledge and are a vital step to shaping sustainable cities of tomorrow. Awarded Platinum at Australia’s online learning awards, LearnX Live!  Available on FutureLearn.

Safe and Equal

Two intensive leadership courses to ‘fast track‘ the professional development of family and gender violence professionals. Delivered by Victoria’s peak body for family and gender-based violence, Reality Learning worked closely with Safe and Equal to transition this program into an engaging online format. Offering synchronous and non-synchronous virtual training the program boosted participant engagement and was awarded Diamond at Australia’s online learning awards, LearnX Live!

World Federation of Occupational Therapists

Using VR documentary and  3D scenarios, this industry suite of professional development for occupational therapists places participants into the shoes of working with displaced persons, climate change  in Athens, Greece.

Moving away from singular purpose and solo course development, the programs allows for multiple user pathways and resource application. They include modules, micro-learning, 3D films and online hubs designed for occupational therapists’ professional development through to immersive resources for high school students. Awarded Platinum at Australia’s online learning awards, LearnX Live!

“Such a cool experience, I’ve never done anything like that before!” said participant Michelle Dawkin, Doctor of Physical Therapy Mount Saint Mary’s University.

St Vincent’s hospital

Post-graduate training in culturally responsive mental health services for Victorian Transcultural Mental Health Unit at St Vincent’s Hospital, Australia. Reality Learning worked with course designers and psychologists to develop the certified training into an interactive online program that clinical psychologist Santhanam-Martin described as ahead of other models. 

Applying narrative-based interactive scenarios, the program followed a young Vietnamese family over the course of five weeks. Co-designed with community and content experts the course sits within our suite of training, offering first hand insights into social and cultural issues of delivering mental health services to CALD clients. This is delivered by RMIT University.

"Here we are again at the forefront of aid and development. Thank you Judith for getting us here."

Dr Kit Sinclaire, Former President of World Federation of Occupational Therapists

"Our Prevention Course is up and running with all participants. Thank you for all of your work with Safe and Equal to make this happen!"

Amelia Ditcham, Program Manager Safe and Equal

"Reality Learning has been an amazing partner helping to share our community vision during a transformational time."

Liz Mackinlay, CEO Australian Business Volunteers

“These courses have provided critical knowledge for urban designers to shape the sustainable cities of tomorrow.”

Dr Marta Fernandez, Executive Director RMIT Europe

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